Saturday 21 October 2017

French common mistakes for English learners

These are my notes from a lesson I had on Friday with an advanced student, who has such fluency and speed that she can make basic mistakes.

un criminel = un délinquant
Un criminel is someone who has killed somebody

J'espère qu'il n'attend pas....(I hope he's not waiting): I hope he doesn't expect...
J'espère qu'il ne s'attend pas à ce que...+ subjonctif
J'espère qu'il ne s'attend pas à ce que j'arrive demain.
I hope he doesn't expect me to arrive tomorrow.

Dans tout le monde = dans le monde entier

extra = un supplément
On m'a demandé un supplément = I was charged extra.

Contente avec = contente de
Je suis contente de mon choix

Il est un caméraman - there is no article before professions.
Elle est prof
Elle est avocate
Elle est juge

un plan = un projet
un plan = une carte = a map

Elle a pris l'examen = elle a passé l'examen
She took the exam
Elle a réussi/eu l'examen = she passed the exam (school)

Il  n'y a pas de parking = il n'y a pas de place (de parking)
Le stationnement = parking
un parking = a car-park

Friday 20 October 2017

Monday 16 October 2017

Improve your French watching 10% or 'Call my agent' (English title)

This French series is a big hit in France. It is funny, 'grinçant' and very truthful about the world of cinema agents.

Season 1 Trailer

Trailer Season 2 (not out yet in the UK)

You will learn Business French and a lot of rude words.