Rendez-moi mon français!! (lexique de survie en bas de l'article)
A few years after I arrived in England, working with English speaking colleagues and sharing my life with an English person and his friends, my English was improving fast, but I started losing my French: it was becoming worse and worse, as I was too lazy to take the time to remember or look up the French words for what I wanted to say. After all, my sister and friends understood all my anglicisms. But I did have to make an effort with my parents who spoke no English at all. As I was teaching French in a school at the time and was also a private tutor, I was quite concerned and decided to get my French back on track.
This is how I did it:
- Start now. It's not fun, but the sooner the better. You do not want the situation to worsen.
- Instead of giving up when you can't remember the word or expression you are looking for, pause for a moment and try to imagine you are talking to someone in France who doesn't speak English. Try to 'move' your brain in France for a few seconds and see if it comes.
- If it doesn't come, look it up online or make a note to do it later.
- Put a daily reminder in your phone/diary to revise the word or expression.
- You can also use post-its in the house.
- When it happens again with another word, do not give up, make the effort to think about it for a few seconds, as if you are giving time to the word/idiom to travel back to the forefront of your brain. You will see, you will get better and better.
- Do not give up, the longer you have been lazy, the longer it will take to get 'back to normal'; it took me a few weeks. It was a real effort at first, but it became easier as weeks went by.
- Do the same for grammar: check rules, ask a friend if not sure of rules (ask me, I love grammar talks;-)
- It is worth it. French people especially judge each other's writing, although it is never talked about, we are never impressed by someone who missed 'un accord' (agreement).
- You will certainly be rewarded by not having these awkward moments we all have when we have been living in the UK for so long and can't remember a basic word. We all behave as if it is ok to feel better, but is it ok that some French people's grammar is worse than a CM2 (Year 6) pupil?
Merci à tous (et moi-même, ne nous le cachons pas!) de m'avoir inspirée.
I'm also available for French coaching before presentations, meetings etc. I'm a trained teacher (2002) and translator (MA -2000).
Contactez-moi pour une consultation, nous pouvons préparer ensemble votre présentation en français pour éviter les erreurs/blocages lors du jour J.
Lexique de survie:
to take action: passer à l'action
a goal: un but
a challenge: un défi
a deadline: une échéance
boundaries: limites
body language: langage corporel
to charge: demander/faire payer (pas 'charger', par pitié...)
to prioritise: donner priorité à
brainstorming: pareil, mais si vous allez au Québéc, dites: 'remue-méninges'
to design: créer, concevoir, élaborer
Question: quelles sont les expressions ou mots français que dont vous ne vous rappelez jamais?
J'espère que cela vous aura été utile.
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